Taking my Illustration abilities to another branch of promotional concepts. Creating eye catching, and vibrant designs advertising products, ideas, teams, or media in an artistic way.
Sports Logo Design
Taking on the challenge of designing a logo for a fictitious sports team. The Hot Springs Motocross Iguanas. The entire process to understand what this team would be, and then creating a logo to fit that theme.

Like any good logo, it fits on all sorts of products. Water bottles, Jerseys, Caps, and all other merch. Popping with its vibrant colors and strong bold design.
Fluvog Shoe Advertisement
Putting my Illustration skills to the challenge of designing an advertisement for the new Fluvog shoe. Mixing my personal flair, of futuristic, cyberpunk aesthetic, and the old timey quilt design of the shoe for an interesting dynamic.

Dead Mans Sea Salt
Designing a label for a dinner table condiment or spice. For this I chose to go with the all but well known and beloved sea salt. And add some creativity to it. What better character to promote sea salt, then one from the sea itself. With our undead pirate captain.
From the start of this design process, I pretty much knew how I wanted my character to look. I knew I wanted an undead pirate, with a large captains hat holding a container of salt. It was simply a matter of what pose I wanted to show him in. A series of sketchs all with different emotions in them. Some cocky, others drunken, some even more evil. But I decided on the prideful yet happy druken pirate for the center stage.
Dead Man serves as a brand name for a number of cooking spices, sauces, and toppings Such as sea salt, black salt, black pepper, assorted spices, and sauces.